Medal of honor game review
Medal of honor game review

Any other form of interaction has been ruthlessly excised and you’re left with an experience that requires all the tactical nous of a fairground coconut shy.Ĭertainly the enemies you fight against seem to have nothing but coconut milk for brains, but they’re battlefield geniuses compared to your squad-mates. We honestly don’t know why Warfighter wasn’t just designed as one big quick time event, because all it wants you to do is move forward and shoot. In terms of gameplay this is the ultimate fairground ride, and we don’t mean that as a positive. Depending on how disturbing you find this the flashbacks to the soldiers’ families ‘back home’ are either hilarious or frightening in their fluffy-headed naiveté. That’s nothing new for the genre perhaps, but rarely has the fetishisation of the military seemed so one-sided and unhealthy. The final mission in particular is clearly meant to be a recreation of the death of bin Laden, but the game never has the courage to make it official – or to present your opponents as anything other than cartoon villains born to die under a hail of American bullets. The story involves trying to track down an Osama bin Laden stand-in called The Cleric, in places like Pakistan, Yemen, Dubai, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Medal of honor game review movie#

The sort that has pictures of the SAS on his bedroom wall instead of music or movie stars. Like almost everything else in the game the plot of Warfighter seems to have sprung, full-formed, from the mind of an overexcited 14 year-old.

Medal of honor game review